How To Withdraw From AfricGold To Bank

Afrigold is an investment opportunity that you’ve been hearing about from friends and family, but you’re still not sure what it’s all about or if it’s right for you. After all, you know someone who lost thousands of dollars after joining Afrigold, so should you invest your money or skip this opportunity? This how to withdraw from Afrigold guide will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not Afrigold is the right investment opportunity for your financial future.

About Afrigold

Afrigold is a company with a long and proud history. it was established to form a link between worldwide producers and a vast, international customer base, however, with the influx of new companies looking to offer similar services, Afrigold needed to stay on its toes.

The company has been able to stay one step ahead of competitors by offering customers the chance to invest in gold at low rates in return for high-interest rates or for a monthly deposit that can be withdrawn at any time.

Afrigold offers a year-round supply of premium quality citrus, grapes, apples, pears, and avocados; they are committed to using greenhouses to ensure quality control.

They also provide fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides free of charge. In short: you can withdraw from them without a referral minimum withdrawal of 10k which means you don’t need referrals as long as you’re investing about 10k or more

How To Withdraw From AfricGold Without Referral

Go to the website

Enter your email and password

Click on Withdraw

Enter the amount you want to withdraw

Click on Withdraw again

You will receive an email with a link to confirm your withdrawal

How to sign up for Afrigold

Signing up for Afrigold is an easy process. It only requires your name and email address, with the option to sign in with Facebook or Google+. You will be asked to verify your email address by providing a phone number and you will then be taken to a page where you can set up your account information.

How Does Afigold Works

Afrigold is an online mining platform that pays members as they mine per minute. Members can withdraw their earnings at any time without referral and the minimum withdrawal amount is 10,000.

The platform also offers a referral program that gives members the opportunity to earn 25% of all the earnings of anyone they refer. If you have 10 referrals with an active account you will make 250%. Afrigold is one of the best-known platforms for investment in Africa today and it has more than 4 million members across Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Cameroon, Senegal and South Africa.


Who is the owner of Afrigold?

Hennie Wessels is the founder of Afrigold. He set up the company on January 22, 1995, and has grown it to be one of Africa’s largest and most successful employers. Hennie is also a long-standing motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. His work ethic and drive have made him a household name across all of Africa. He firmly believes that success doesn’t happen overnight but through hard work.

Is afrigold legit?

Yes, afrigold is a legitimate company. You can withdraw from the website without referral and with only a 10,000 minimum withdrawal. Plus, you can make money from the investment page with an interest rate of like 2% per day. It is important to note that they do not take any commission on your earnings, so you are free to reinvest it back into the system and earn more.

Additionally, there are plenty of videos on YouTube that demonstrate how to use the site for beginners so you can get started right away.

To be successful at this business opportunity all you need to do is invest your time in sharing it with others and gain referrals for new members.


In conclusion, it is a difficult decision to make whether or not to invest in Afrigold, but the pros seem to outweigh the cons. For example, you are guaranteed money on your account each month and you can withdraw without referral.

The minimum withdrawal for this program is 10k only so I recommend that you read all about it before deciding whether or not you want to invest.

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